Lydia Prayer Groups

We believe there is incredible power when women meet together and pray; when we invite Him, Jesus comes. In Acts 1:8 Jesus promised His disciples that they would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth. Lydia Prayer Groups pray for Jerusalem (the lost in our families), Judea (our churches and communities), Samaria (our nation), and the world (ends of the earth).
In Acts 16:13 the apostle Paul attends a riverside prayer meeting outside of Philippi with a group of praying women, one of whom was a businesswoman named Lydia. Our vision for Lydia Prayer Groups came from this account. Lydia’s love and obedience to Jesus impacted not only her family and the city of Philippi, but ultimately Europe and the world. God used a women’s prayer meeting to change history once and we think He wants to do it again.
The Lord is calling women to stand in the gap between people and the God who wants to save them, free them from darkness, love them, and transform them. We invite Jesus to come by His Spirit to change hearts, lives, relationships, churches, and places. We want to pray against the kingdom of darkness and welcome the King of kings to take back His throne and have His way. We are uniting women of every generation together to pray, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done.”
A Lydia Prayer Group is two or more women coming together in the presence of Jesus, in faith that He promises to hear us. "This is the confidence we have in approaching God; that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us" (1 John 5:14).
Lydia Prayer Groups meet together in homes, schools, work places, car lines, coffee shops, and in churches. They meet face-to-face, through conference calls, FaceTime, or through written prayers with messenger apps. It may be once a week, or once a month. Whatever it takes, we need to come together to pray.

The call to pray is for us and the time is now. You don’t have to be an expert in prayer. As you make time and come to Jesus, He will teach you and fill you with His heart for the people around you, your nation and the world." When wants to change human history, He begins with an intercessor." Is God asking you to lead a Lydia Prayer Group?
Join or begin a group and see what God does when women seek Him in prayer.