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World Prayer

World Prayer


As the gospel of Jesus Christ goes out in our neighborhoods, our churches, our communities, our nation and our world, would you pray that those who proclaim it would remain faithful in preaching truth. My newsfeed is full of reports of those thought to be “good Christian leaders” denouncing their faith in Christ, turning away and embracing the lies of our culture. Would you pray that as the gospel is proclaimed through holy living, through churches, small groups or mission organizations, that each one would proclaim “what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, 

beginning at Jerusalem” (Luke 24 46-47.)

  • Pray that those who hear the gospel would know true repentance which transforms both thought and living.

  • Pray that there would be clear understanding of Jesus’s sacrifice for the sins of a disobedient and sinful humanity. He was not trying to be a hero or defy Rome, but was bearing our sins on that cross.

  • Pray that the gospel is proclaimed in the name of Jesus, by whose name we are saved. We may have an amazing theological background, or know all the right things to do, but the gift of salvation is received in Jesus’ name, not by what we do or how hard we try or what we know.

  • Pray that those who proclaim the gospel, however formally or informally, do so only in the power of the Holy Spirit, never in their own strength. Pray that those who preach and teach and live holy lives wherever they are would be so filled with the Spirit that all people would see in them is Jesus, high and lifted up and made known to all the nations.

  • Pray that wherever God has placed us in ministry we would be faithful witnesses in Jesus name, by the power of the Holy Spirit, testifying to the saving, sanctifying power of God who has brought us from darkness into His wonderful light. May He make us faithful as Christ-bearers to the world.

We believe that God’s intention is for the whole world to know Him. Our goal is to challenge, motivate, and inspire women to think and pray globally.


Our vision is to enable individuals to feel more personally accountable to carry the prayer needs and burdens of specific nationals, missionaries, and especially persecuted Christians and nations where Christians are at risk of their very lives (many are imprisoned for their faith and tortured, yet remain faithful!)


It is a joy and privilege to share global prayer needs to faith-filled PRAY-ERS!

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